Food is fascinating. We eat it without giving it much thought but there are some fascinating stories behind much of what we put in our mouths. For example:
• Pound cake got its name from its original recipe, which called for a pound each of butter, eggs, sugar, and…
Added by Rick Duncan on December 11, 2014 at 9:21am — 1 Comment
Did you know you can burn calories just by watching a scary movie? It’s true. A new study by the University of Westminster says the average burn of terror is about 113 calories. It needs to be a really scary movie to work, inducing increased heart rate, oxygen intake and a few moments that make you jump or wince. The researchers even went so far as to list the top 10…
ContinueAdded by Rick Duncan on February 11, 2014 at 7:34am — 3 Comments
As you know we do a lot of work with St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and I can honestly say that it is one of my favorite charities. On November 2nd I'm running my first full marathon and I've decided to be a St. Jude Hero. By running for the St. Jude kids I'll be raising money to help pay for their treatment and also for research in the fight against cancer. Please…
ContinueAdded by Rick Duncan on October 3, 2013 at 6:19am — No Comments
Can you locate your glabella? It’s the space between your eyebrows. Here are some more unusual words that might just come in handy:
* That tingling feeling when your foot is alsleep is called paresthesia.
* Have trouble getting out of bed in the morning? You’re suffering from Dysania.
* Check your prescription for griffonage.…
Added by Rick Duncan on September 13, 2013 at 7:14am — No Comments
Facebook has been the downfall of sooooo many people who thought they could get away with a little something-something on the side while leaving a digital trail of evidence behind them. No matter how you find out though cheating can leave you feeling betrayed, bitter and angry...really angry. But in this instance anger gave way to revenge. And what sweet revenge it was. Please read on...…
ContinueAdded by Rick Duncan on June 20, 2013 at 6:00am — 1 Comment
A lot of people get colds this time of year. And when you are sick with a cold – you want to sleep. But that can be tough when you are all stuffed up. So what do you do? Here are some tips from WebMD:
• Use a nasal strip. You’ll be amazed how they open you up so you can breathe.
• Take a hot shower before bed. The steam and humidity will help clear out…
Added by Rick Duncan on January 3, 2013 at 9:58am — No Comments
After talking with Tara Hastings this morning and although she wasn't extremely worried about the snow there was a good portion of the forecast that she was concerned about.
"I'm not so concerned with the amount of snow - I'm more worried about the dramatic drop in temps after all the rain we see today. The roads may be icy later tonight and tomorrow. Also the…
ContinueAdded by Rick Duncan on December 20, 2012 at 8:18am — 1 Comment
If you’re right handed, try brushing your teeth with your left. This is one simple “neurobic” exercise. A neurobic exercise involves one or more of your senses. When you change a routine, you’re stimulating a different part of your brain. According to Lawrence Katz, Ph.D. and author of “Keep Your Brain Alive,” these mental exercises help fight off the effects of mental aging…
ContinueAdded by Rick Duncan on October 29, 2012 at 6:04am — No Comments
Voting has begun for Reid Bravo! You can log in today and vote for your favorite bra(s) or even text in your vote. All of the proceeds from Reid Bravo! go to pay for mammograms for women that couldn't otherwise afford them. The one you see is mine. Its called Don't Tune Out Breast…
ContinueAdded by Rick Duncan on October 1, 2012 at 6:30am — No Comments
More than half of people surveyed in a recent study were so clueless about their bodies that they cannot pinpoint the correct location of their heart. Most also do not know how much blood we have, how many teeth are in our mouths or what roles our vital organs perform. Many of the 2,000 respondents questioned by researchers were unable to say what our correct body…
ContinueAdded by Rick Duncan on September 14, 2012 at 6:46am — 1 Comment
Jesse James Thomas was out to have an epic night. You see, the night became so awesome that he was arrested drunkenly screaming his own name while jumping up and down on a police car...oh yeah, and he was wearing a sombrero. …
ContinueAdded by Rick Duncan on August 21, 2012 at 7:44am — 1 Comment
Ever have that little annoying itch in your ear? Sure you have...we all have. Next time it happens you'll run screaming to the nearest doctor. A Chinese woman went to her doctor with an itchy ear. When her doc looked in...something looked back! They think that the spider crawled into her ear while she slept and -here's the best part- had been there for…
ContinueAdded by Rick Duncan on August 10, 2012 at 7:33am — No Comments
Bart had a cat named Orville.
Bart loved Orville.
Orville loved to run free.
Orville used to get stuck in trees.
Orville ran front of a car.
Bart couldn't part with Orville's dead body.
Bart turned Orville into a heli-cat-pter.
Orville can be free still.
Orville still gets stuck in…
ContinueAdded by Rick Duncan on June 5, 2012 at 7:45am — No Comments
The website Nameberry (with apparently waaaay too much time on their hands) totaled up their baby names and found some of the weirdest names far. How about Cougar? Corleone? Tomorrow? You know your kid will have this name until they're 18 and old enough to legally change it...right? …
ContinueAdded by Rick Duncan on May 29, 2012 at 9:17am — No Comments
Say what you want, but you loved Saved By The Bell. We all did. Sure it was cheesy and the stories could be kinda lame...but c' was fun! Zack, Kelly, Slater, Jessie, Skreech and Lisa. There has been talk of a SBTB reunion. I can't wait to see if the gang recognizes Lisa if she shows up. Here's Voorhees during a recent…
ContinueAdded by Rick Duncan on May 14, 2012 at 6:22am — No Comments
Patricia Krentcil has a serious problem. I mean...other than looking like she is auditioning for Robert Downey Jr's mom in Tropic Thunder 2. She has been charged with taking her daughter to the tanning bed with her. Her daughter is 5! For more awesome pictures of Leathery McLeather…
ContinueAdded by Rick Duncan on May 3, 2012 at 7:34am — 1 Comment
As heard this morning on the G101-3 Morning Show.
Could your blood type have something to do with your disposition and relationships? The personality connection has never been scientifically proven – but some people swear by it. In Japan, it’s common for people to ask each other “What type are you?” If you’re curious, here are…
ContinueAdded by Rick Duncan on April 10, 2012 at 7:33am — No Comments
My friends at Birth To Five are holding a fundraiser and have recruited some area celebrities (and me) to dance. Before your mind wanders too far...ballroom dance! In Birth To Five's Dancing With The Stars Of Wayne County you can vote for your favorite couple with a donation. The couple that raises the most money will walk away with the trophy. Jump…
ContinueAdded by Rick Duncan on February 23, 2012 at 9:12am — No Comments
It turns out we all have a built-in like detector – it’s a yawn. Yawns are contagious and a recent study found that the sooner someone catches your yawn, the more connected they feel to you. If you’d like to test out the theory, here’s how it works. The better you know someone, the sooner they’ll catch your yawn. Family members usually react within a minute. A good…
ContinueAdded by Rick Duncan on February 16, 2012 at 7:28am — No Comments
I know it looks dirty. It looks like something that you'd buy online from a catalog that you found in a bus station bathroom (c'mon...who hasn't done that?). But, it's actually the newest thing in weight loss technology from Japan. It's called the Face Slimmer. How does it work? I ran the…
ContinueAdded by Rick Duncan on February 7, 2012 at 7:50am — 3 Comments
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