generation g

Rick Duncan
  • Male
  • Richmond, Indiana
  • United States
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Rick Duncan's Friends

  • Kaleb Gillock
  • Danny R Caldwell
  • Bobbi
  • Madison Holthouse
  • April Robinson
  • Tiffany Clark
  • caleb stephens
  • Cody Miller
  • Keriann Foster-Marcum
  • Zlaja
  • Robert Anderson
  • Karen Conyers
  • Louis Galligan
  • Nikki
  • Danny Robert Caldwell

Rick Duncan: avoiding real work since 1973

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  • 1.
  • 2.
    Kiss the Uprising
  • 3.
    My Wena
  • 4.
    Black Sabotage
  • 5.
    Careless Or Dead
  • 6.

Rick Duncan's Blog

Mind Blowing Food Facts

Food is fascinating. We eat it without giving it much thought but there are some fascinating stories behind much of what we put in our mouths. For example:

• Pound cake got its name from its original recipe, which called for a pound each of butter, eggs, sugar, and…


Posted on December 11, 2014 at 9:21am — 1 Comment

Scaring Off The Pounds

Did you know you can burn calories just by watching a scary movie? It’s true. A new study by the University of Westminster says the average burn of terror is about 113 calories. It needs to be a really scary movie to work, inducing increased heart rate, oxygen intake and a few moments that make you jump or wince. The researchers even went so far as to list the top 10…


Posted on February 11, 2014 at 7:34am — 3 Comments

Running For A Reason

As you know we do a lot of work with St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and I can honestly say that it is one of my favorite charities. On November 2nd I'm running my first full marathon and I've decided to be a St. Jude Hero. By running for the St. Jude kids I'll be raising money to help pay for their treatment and also for research in the fight against cancer. Please…


Posted on October 3, 2013 at 6:19am

Its called what??

Can you locate your glabella? It’s the space between your eyebrows. Here are some more unusual words that might just come in handy:

* That tingling feeling when your foot is alsleep is called paresthesia.

* Have trouble getting out of bed in the morning? You’re suffering from Dysania.

* Check your prescription for griffonage.…


Posted on September 13, 2013 at 7:14am

How To Handle A Cheating Boyfriend With A Smile

Facebook has been the downfall of sooooo many people who thought they could get away with a little something-something on the side while leaving a digital trail of evidence behind them. No matter how you find out though cheating can leave you feeling betrayed, bitter and angry...really angry. But in this instance anger gave way to revenge. And what sweet revenge it was.  Please read on...…


Posted on June 20, 2013 at 6:00am — 1 Comment

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At 6:34am on November 14, 2020, Michael Mccarthy said…


How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site. Could you please get back to me on: ( for the full details.

Have a nice day

Michael Mccarthy.

At 12:58pm on July 8, 2014, Dawn Lambert said…
thanks Rick for the welcome to genation g!Just haven't been on in awhile.
At 9:59am on October 24, 2013, Tamera Chandler said…

Thanks for the warm welcome, Rick! ;)

At 7:52am on August 26, 2013, jacob gray/scooter said…
Hahahaha this is true. I will admit the Friday where it was you him and Dave was prolly the funniest Friday I've listened too!
At 7:37am on August 26, 2013, jacob gray/scooter said…
Woot! Try. I don't care what hoover says your alright lol
At 7:21am on August 26, 2013, jacob gray/scooter said…
Thank ya sir!:) can I make my first request on here for light em up by fallout of radioactive by imagine dragons?:):)
At 2:08pm on July 4, 2013, K-Magic-J said…

You are so welcome. I got those superman stickers (along with a whole box of different ones) at a yard sale. I don't like DC much and I know you love superman, I just had to send them as a belated b-day present. :)

At 4:37pm on May 16, 2013, lane turner said…
At 7:55am on January 30, 2013, Derek Herbert said…
You play drums?!? That's awesome! If you haven't checked him out yet, check out cobus potgeiter on YouTube. He does insane drum covers. Love listening to your show on the way to work everyday. Have an AWESOME day!
At 8:56am on November 27, 2012, Nicole Massoff said…
Thanks Rick! :)

Latest Activity

hrenmalin commented on Rick Duncan's video

Mean Tweets - Music Edition

"It's a really cool format, but it would be great if at least sometimes interviews were given by lesser-known or even beginner musicians. It would be no less interesting, in my opinion. Now music production is very popular, and there are many…"
Mar 22, 2022
Greg Bjorg commented on Rick Duncan's video

Mean Tweets - Music Edition

"Oh I love this show! I always watch it if I have time. I like this format with different musical artists."
Mar 22, 2022
Bill Shiphr commented on Rick Duncan's blog post Travel Warnings
"Uff, that situation is devastating. It reminds me of the Russian winter situation once I had. Actually, I'd met a russian girlfriend, we'd been dating for some time so I decided to visit her, that was big trouble with visa. I still have a…"
Aug 20, 2021
Greg Bjorg commented on Rick Duncan's blog post 100 Best Android Apps
"If you have a business that is based on sales, then the integration of the magento platform can most likely be useful to you. In order to do this in the simplest way, I would recommend that you use the services of professionals, for example…"
Jul 29, 2021

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