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Dave snow's Blog – May 2009 Archive (7)

the cycle of life....(continues on and on)

so i am taking the rest of this week off of riding to get ready for the relay...and i have to say...i am really missing's just not the same driving to work now...and i worked so hard to not put any miles on the car, and as i watch them rack up...i feel disappointed...

this is a great new feeling...i feel very responsible for my own carbon emissions...and that was the point...we all do things everyday that are not that great… Continue

Added by dave snow on May 28, 2009 at 11:28am — No Comments

the cycle of life....(continues)

so now that i have been doing this for a couple of weeks...i am getting much faster...i actually made it to work today in about 23 used to take me anywhere from 16 to 17 to drive i really have not lost that much time...

also, since i try very hard to stay fit...i ride pretty hard to get here in the mornings..and i have lost 2 pounds! if i can lose weight doing this i know anyone can....

one… Continue

Added by dave snow on May 26, 2009 at 1:37pm — No Comments

the cycle of life....(updated)

so here i am on my third day of biking to work and it just keeps getting better....

one of the best things about riding to work in the morning is not having that one hour used to be, every morning when i would get here it would take me a good 90 minutes to wake up....but now, since i am riding in, i am wide awake from the's amazing the difference it makes getting that blood flowing first thing in the… Continue

Added by dave snow on May 20, 2009 at 4:37pm — 1 Comment

the cycle of life....(continued)

so here we are on say 2 of the commute to and from work on the bicycle....and i have to say ...i like it even more than i thought i would....there is nothing like actually being outside and enjoying this great weather....

yesterday i had to run some errands.....i had to run to the post office and some other i just jumped on the bike and started's really a lot of fun and i am finding it does not take nearly as… Continue

Added by dave snow on May 19, 2009 at 8:57am — No Comments

the cycle of life....

it seems like everytime i turn around i hear someone talking about going green...but i rarely see many people actually follow through....not only is it easy to say you're going green, but once you sit down and decide to follow through it can be a little overwhelming...there is just too much to do it all at i have decided to take it one step at a time...and i am starting with one big step...well, more like one big… Continue

Added by dave snow on May 18, 2009 at 8:05am — No Comments

follow dave snow...

first of all.....if you are looking for information about the relay for life use this link Relay For Life...come join my team!

you can follow my entire 24 hour walk on twitter.... my username is djdavesnow...i will be updating at least every… Continue

Added by dave snow on May 18, 2009 at 7:29am — No Comments

24 Hours! Relay For Life 2009 UPDATE!

It is time once again for the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life! And, just like last year, I am going to attempt the entire 24 hour walk!

Now I will be the first to tell you, I tried this last year..and sadly, I failed. It was a very hard pill to swallow. I had to bow out for about two hours right in the middle. Now most people tell me that I walked 22 hours and that is enough, but not for me. I insist on conquering the… Continue

Added by dave snow on May 6, 2009 at 11:00am — 1 Comment

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