There are issues that polarize the country: abortion, politics, which way should the toilet paper roll. Ryan Seacrest is also one of those. You either loathe him or put up with him. Here's America's most over-exposed human trying to high-five...a blind guy! At least we can all agree on something...what a complete tool!
Added by Rick Duncan on January 15, 2009 at 6:40am —
i keep getting a lot of people asking what program i used to make myself look is actually a website..and it is can also change your ethnicity and make yourself look go check it out...and put a picture here in the comments so we can all see how you look....
here is the site
have fun!
Added by dave snow on January 14, 2009 at 4:32pm —
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This morning we did favorite buddy comedies. There were some classics! Here's the list of your favs...
Wedding Crashers...of course!
Strange Brew
Wayne's World
Added by Rick Duncan on January 14, 2009 at 9:27am —
Added by Beth on January 14, 2009 at 8:38am —
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Hey! We are really glad to have so many new members of
generation g! We are having a great time getting to know so many of our fantastic listeners.
The crew here at G1013 wants to show their appreciation by offering all
generation g members something really unique.
As you know, you can add your own custom playlist to your
generation g page. How would you like to have the G1013 crew put liners between…
Added by G1013 on January 13, 2009 at 2:30pm —
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a friend and i were just having a great argument....what is the best old school video game of all time? is actually pretty tough....i have a few that i could argue are the best....
super mario bros. pretty much started the whole thing, and god knows i spent a lot of time playing that game......and of course
tetris will forever be a legend....but i think if i have to pick what i think is the best old school game money…
Added by dave snow on January 13, 2009 at 10:00am —
I am in a deep ocean of pain and I can feel the pain and the tears of a world gone wrong. My pain will grow into a fire that I can not put out with my tears but my rage is strong and will make me scream. I will walk with the fallen Angels but will not let them rule me. I live with a purpose of being able to help others. Only this way can I continue through this pain. If I fail then my spirit will be lost.
Added by Donald Lowery on January 13, 2009 at 8:19am —
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this is the new generation g...i have to say..i like is so much more fun to get to know all the listeners than to just have our pictures on a page for everyone to see.....i would much rather get to know all the great g listeners...
what do you think of the new generation g?
Added by dave snow on January 12, 2009 at 11:30am —
1 Comment
You are the center of your own Galaxy, your visions for yourself are without boundaries. You fight a Psychological war that rages inside of you. Your pain is great and you will soon have a choice to make. This is your power and it could make you loose a few friends but it has to be done. For now you are in control but soon you will need help. This will make yourself stronger and power is what you crave.
Added by Donald Lowery on January 12, 2009 at 8:21am —
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Broken wings and falling angels are what we all look and feel deep with in our souls. I can see the storm that approaches and I can hear the thunder around the earth. The screams of a billion people echo in the four winds and the tears that fall like rain. The power that lives with in our spirit can change the world if we can channel it in the right direction. Meditate and fight to stay in control or you will lose everything that you love.
Added by Donald Lowery on January 11, 2009 at 5:13am —
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Added by Chris on January 10, 2009 at 8:00pm —
1 Comment
Turning Angel wings to dust. So does the great Ark Angel Lucifer that rules Hell will again come forth to rule earth. This was told to me in a vision and I am here for the reason of telling you what will happen in the short time that we have left. The great beast will call all the other fallen Angels to battle what is left of the Angels of light as it has been written and so will it be done. The spirit and soul will weep for we are coming to the end of time. you will have to choose For the…
Added by Donald Lowery on January 9, 2009 at 5:57am —
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There is a legend of a great prince of pure evil. Khadaji is his name and he loved blood and death. He is the ultimate unknown and he would destroy all that was good in his world. the time has come for him to arise again. Just to speak his name is to call his spirit forth. Again he will rule and his rain of terror will start. Look for him as the beast and most will call him master. He will deceive many and destroy the rest.
Added by Donald Lowery on January 8, 2009 at 6:01am —
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Added by Rick Duncan on January 7, 2009 at 7:35am —
1 Comment
It is time to leave the path and look for what you seek. You are looking for that someone that will give life meaning and fulfill your destine. Your soul mate is there waiting for you to call out their name and bring your soul out of darkness. Be aware for if you stay off of the path to long it will be harder to find your way back. The path is the way home and you have to make your self stronger to make it to your destine. I can feel your spirit and I know that you hurt but you have the power…
Added by Donald Lowery on January 7, 2009 at 5:52am —
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I have see the darkness of the world and I can control my anger and my rage. It is pure evil that comes for all of us. We must be prepared to let some of our fear go so we can find our dreams. Never give up on your dreams for if you stop dreaming then you stop growing. The time is short for us all so take care to lead not fallow and when you are ready then you will find peace.
Added by Donald Lowery on January 6, 2009 at 7:18am —
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I have searched the world over and never have I found trust. I have lost all the people that I have lost because of trust. I have come to hate that word for it's meaning is unknown to most. I leave here with a sense of failure and now I know that there is no trust left in our world.
Added by Donald Lowery on January 5, 2009 at 6:00am —
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With the coming year there will come a great war and the black king will face the red dragon. He will take all that is good in life and make it in to his image. Search your feelings and find the right path or forever you will wander in the darkness. Look deep with in your soul and let the power of your spirit loose to free you from the evil that will soon be here. Do not eat the flesh or drink the blood or the darkness will consume all that is good in you.
Added by Donald Lowery on January 1, 2009 at 6:19am —
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