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Jessica Leigh's Comments

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At 6:33am on November 14, 2020, Michael Mccarthy said…


How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site. Could you please get back to me on: ( for the full details.

Have a nice day

Michael Mccarthy.

At 6:08pm on May 8, 2012, GALE PLUMMER said…

Good evening lil lady..hope you are in good spirits today ; )

At 7:25pm on March 2, 2012, Jared Southard said…

i better get a field trip out of this.

At 4:05am on February 20, 2012, Jared Southard said…

Hey Jessica, I met you when I went to Indiana State University. Now i live in cincinnati but i listen to your show everytime i come through richmond.

At 10:16am on February 1, 2012, GALE PLUMMER said…

Hello Jessica..Dont know if you remember me...A few yrs back my son Kyle used to hang out with you guys and i am also a friend of Mandi's...I used to bring friends into the station to hang out for a few minutes jst to get a taste how the station functioned..I have a couple friends that would like to come in for a tour..would that be possible to arrange...???

At 8:42pm on January 15, 2012, Kimberly Vaught said…

Hey this is Kimberly and I was wondering how fun it is to be on G101.3. When I get older I want to be on G101.3 just like you and Dave Snow are. I listen to G101.3 from the time I get up till I go to bed. You guys rock

At 12:09am on November 6, 2011, Monte Troxell said…

hey Jessica, this is Monte, the DJ at the Cave in Hagerstown... we had a blast at the karaoke contest. Hit me up on facebook, we want to put a charity event together here.

monte troxell


At 2:47pm on June 12, 2011, Leonard Blush said…

MOST FASCINATING PROFILE!  It has the numbers to indicate that you are 35, an age that is very, very old.  HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A RABBIT?


thank YOU and good day!

At 8:07pm on May 9, 2011, Hoffdaddy Martin Hoffman said…

i added some 3 doors down to my gpage may wanna check it out. by the way you do a pretty good slash impersonation.!!!!!


At 5:20pm on April 5, 2011, josh Mantooth said…
Will u plz play slow ride and perculate*? For the guys at Richmond casting company? Plz plz plz
At 8:58pm on March 14, 2011, DJ Powerdawg said…
hey jessica leigh
At 2:25pm on February 10, 2011, G 1013 FAN gave Jessica Leigh a gift
At 2:06pm on February 04, 2011, Jennifer M gave Jessica Leigh a gift
At 5:18pm on December 30, 2010, Leonard Blush said…
Hello and have you ever seen a rabbit?
At 4:13pm on December 25, 2010, Leonard Blush said…

Hello Jessica, I hope your Christmas is disappointing and tear-filled....

At 5:36am on December 24, 2010, don said…
Hi Jessica, hope that you have a great Christmas, and a happy new year. love you Don.
At 11:37pm on December 1, 2010, Lunr Ridje said…
ice water ??.. i was sleep flying today .. like being on a highway zoning off .. except thousands of feet in the air ,,
At 8:12pm on October 27, 2010, chrisalmighty said…
if u can get me as many g1013 stickers as u can and i will cover my whole car with its a bmw ill get looks
At 7:32pm on October 27, 2010, chrisalmighty gave Jessica Leigh a gift
At 10:55pm on September 30, 2010, chrisalmighty said…
babe this is chris boomershine/boomer how r u doing????? i do like u i listen to u non stop when ur on and im not like a stalker i just like u the 5 pizzas were great for me and kids just wondering if u like to chat much on here no strings

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