Show Answer. 8086 Instruction Hex Code. Write a program to two add 16 bit Hexadecimal numbers without carry. Write a program to two add 16 bit Hexadecimal numbers with carry. Write a program to find the greatest number from an array of 10 numbers. Write a program to calculate the factorial of a number. Use My Code: "ACHARYA10" and get upto 20% discount on any course at Unacademy———————————————Learn my complete courses on …Bharat Instructions of this group transfer program execution from the normal sequence of instructions to the specified destination or target. The following instructions come under this category: Here, CF = Carry Flag ZF = Zero Flag OF = Overflow Flag SF = Sign Flag CX = Register Flag Manipulation and Processor Control Instructions The table shows the general format of 8086 instructions. The following paragraph gives the different instruction format with examples. 1. One Byte Instruction: These instructions in the category uses the implied addressing mode and register mode instruction. The implied mode instruction does not use the operands, and the register mode uses the The String Instruction in 8086 are namely, REP/REPE/REPZ/REPNE/REPNZ MOVS/MOVSB/MOVSN CMPS/CMPSB/CMPSW SCAS/SCASB/SCASW LODS/LODSB/LODSW STOS/STOSB/STOSW REP/REPE/REPZ/REPNE/REPNZ Instruction : REP is a prefix which is written before one of the String Instruction in 8086. These instructions repeat until specified condition exists. 8086 Instruction Encoding-2 Instruction Format (Cont'd)! Instruction may also be optionally preceded by one or more prefix bytes for repeat, segment override, or lock prefixes In 32-bit machines we also have an address size override prefix and an operand size override prefix! Some instructions are one-byte instructions and lack the addressing INT (Interrupt) Instruction Current date -INT 21h CS 3401 Comp. Org. & Assembly Executing Computer Instructions in 8086 36 Size of Memory INT 12h 10 CS 3401 Comp. Org. & Assembly Executing Computer Instructions in 8086 37 Display with INT CS 3401 Comp. Org. & Assembly Executing Computer Instructions in 8086 38 INT for Keyboard Input It is either referred as byte string or word string. Their memory is always allocated in a sequential order. Instructions used to manipulate strings are called string manipulation instructions. Following is the table showing the list of string manipulation instructions: Program execution transfer instructions in 8086 microprocessor RCL memory, immediate REG, immediate memory, CL REG, CL: Rotate operand1 left through Carry Flag. The number of rotates is set by operand2. When immediate is greater then 1, assembler generates several RCL xx, 1 instructions because 8086 has machine code only for this instruction (the same principle works for all other shift/rotate instructions). Algorithm: Ahtisham. 7,648 4 37 49. 1. IIRC, all x86 instructions setting/adjusting instruction pointer to/by particular value are: jmp, call, ret, iret, int, syscall, jCC, jcxz, loop (jCC = all conditional jumps) all instructions of course by default increment instruction pointer to point to the next one (if not reset by particular value like in case The 8086 int instruction generates a software interrupt. It uses a single operand which is a number indicating which MS-DOSsubprogram is to be invoked. For I/O and some other operations, the number used is 21h. Thus, the instruction int 21h transfers control to the operating system, toa subprogram that handles I/O operations. 808
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