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How to do french finger knitting instructions

How to do french finger knitting instructions
















Gently pull the tail of the yarn to tighten the stitch a little. Continue around your loom, doing the same with each craft stick: lay the yarn across, pull the bottom stitch up and over the yarn above it and off the end of the stick. Remember to give the tail of yarn a tug from time to time to tighten up the stitches. In finger knitting, you can create a larger fabric by finger knitting to a new strand or finger knitting a strand to itself in a circular or rectangular shape as you go. These finger knit booties are a breeze to finger knit up once you have the techniquedown. Make this scarf by attaching one strand of finger knitting to the next as you knit. If you open up the skein and clip it at the knot, you will get strips approximately 36" long. You will need two of each color. STEP 1 Fold the threads in half and lay them down side by side. STEP 2 Tie a knot in the end. Make the loop large enough to tie off for a bracelet or as fringe for a bookmark. Tape the knot to a flat surface. 1. The base of the scarf will be made from of long finger-knitted "ropes.". Start off with a piece of yarn that's still attached to the skein. 2. With your palm facing you, clasp one end of the yarn between your thumb and your index finger, as shown. 3. Creating your finger knitting stitches Now you need to pull the bottom loop up and over the top loop. On all fingers So you're left with one loop on each finger. Then start again. Keep repeating these steps until you have a long enough piece. Long enough to wrap around your head. Wrap the thread no more than twice around the needle. If you want a thicker knot, use more strands of thread instead of more wraps. Do not pass the needle back in through the same stitch point that you came out from, but near it. This ensures your knot does not fall through the hole in the fabric to the other side! The cute design of the Finger Puppets Free Knitting Pattern will keep any little boy or girl happy for hours. Break out the scrap yarn and get started on these lovely knitted animal finger puppets. They are fun and incredibly quick to make. They are great to add to your knitted zoo collection. Thanks below designers for sharing the free In every other knitting style, the tension is held in the hands; this gives your hands two jobs to do at the same time -- holding the yarn and working the stitches with the needles. When the tension is held around the neck, there's one less thing you have to worry about when making your stitches. Catch the working yarn with the right needle. Pull the yarn through the opened stitch. Slip cast-on stitch off the left needle while holding your middle finger against the second cast-on stitch to ensure it does not also slip off. The stitch on the right needle is the newly formed knit stitch. Continue knitting across the cast-on row. You will see that you will need to finger knit 18 rows of the "larger wing colour" and finger knit 14 rows of the smaller wing colour. Then tie each finger knitted strand into a circle. Leaving the excess wool from your finger knitting uncut. Align the two circles. Bringing the knots together to face each other. Knot at this point. Move to your ring finger and pull the bottom row up over your finger. Repeat on your middle finger. You may need to bend your fingers down a bit as you pull the rows up and over. 9. . To finish casting on take the tail (loose) end of the


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