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Cisco finesse 11.6 user guide
















MY$STATISTICS$TAB$! AgentStatistic$Report$! Agent$Statistic$Report!allows!agent!toseeCalls$Offered!andHandled,Hold$Time,Ready/Not$ Ready!timesandWorktimer This sample gadget is applicable to CUIC 11.6(1) and below. For CUIC 11.6(2) and above, use the out of the box CUIC gadget (LiveDataGadget.jsp or HistoricalGadget.jsp) to embed CUIC reports in Finesse. Please see the Unified Intelligence Center Gadgets in Cisco Finesse section of the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center User Guide for more details. Symptom: Upon upgrading from 11.0.x or 11.5.x to 11.6.x the Live Data gadgets are not presenting the dropdown menu option in any reports. In earlier versions, the user could see a dropdown with options for Snapshot, Since Midnight, Short and Long Term Average, etc. Conditions: Finesse Live Data with UCCX 11.x Java Project Tutorial - Make Login and Register Form Step by Step Using NetBeans And MySQL Database - Duration: 3:43:32. 1BestCsharp blog 4,916,483 views Cisco Finesse for Contact Center Express is a next-generation Agent and Supervisor Desktop, that is completely web-based. No additional program is needed on the PC other than a web browser. Cisco Finesse User Guide. Cisco Finesse White Paper. Tags: Contact Center. Last Updated: Wednesday We are using Finesse version 11.6 so ideally it would be supporting CORS, if we enabled it. Bu we couldn't find any commands for enabling CORS in Cisco Finesse Admin guide 11.6 version, but those commands are available in 12.0(1) version. Cisco Unified Contact Center Express offers an integrated, full-featured solution for managing customer contacts while retaining all the benefits of a fully converged Cisco Unified Communications deployment. Cisco Unified Contact Center Express delivers sophisticated call routing, management, and Finesse REST APIs. Cisco Finesse provides REST APIs for performing agent and supervisor actions programmatically. These REST APIs are easy to use, modeled after HTTP, and works in thick and thin client integrations. The Finesse Developer Guide explains the details for each of the API's, but here is a high level description of the API functionality: Cisco Finesse - Embedded Web App Sample Gadget The embedded web app sample gadget displays a web page in an iframe within the gadget when the tab the gadget is on is visible. It is intended to serve as an example of placing an external web application in a Finesse gadget. Cisco UCCX Configuration Guide Comstice Mobile Agent App for Cisco UCCX Comstice Mobile Agent App is a Cisco Finesse client on IPhone and Android. It helps agents that have no access to Desktop PCs to login as an agent and Create an end user in Cisco CUCM for the agent or modify the Cisco Finesse - Learning Sample Gadget. The learning sample gadget demonstrates how to use the User and Dialog objects. There is step-by-step instructions on how to instantiate the User and Dialog objects, get User and Dialog data, change the user's state, place a call, and create a screenpop in an iframe by building a url using a Dialog's call variable. This sample gadget is applicable to CUIC 11.6(1) and below. For CUIC 11.6(2) and above, use the out of the box CUIC gadget (LiveDataGadget.jsp or HistoricalGadget.jsp) to embed CUIC reports in Finesse. Please see the Unified Intelligence Center Gadgets in Cisco Finesse section of the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center User Guide for more details. This sample gadget is applicable to CUIC 11.6(1) and below. For CUIC 11


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