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The W77E58 is a fast 8051 compatible microcontroller with a redesigned processor The W77E58 is 8052 pin compatible and instruction set compatible. performed after each byte is programmed; it will ensure a substantial program margin. with 8051 Microcontroller and Flash Memory D 8052 Instruction-Set Quick-Reference Guide. D-1 margin. For example, when 4.5V is selected, the detect output will typically ac- www?s.ti.com/sc/psheets/sbaa079/sbaa079.pdf. MCS®-51 Programmer's Guide and Instruction Set. 8032BH/8052BH 8-Bit HMOS Microcontrollers . tor may be used (to increase noise margin), but is op-. INSTRUCTION SET. The 8031/8051 microcontroller name is Copyright by Intel the PC twice to obtain the address of the following instruction, then pushes theCHAPTER 1. MCS 51 Family of Microcontrollers An overview of the MCS-51 instruction set is presented below, with a Description of the 8051, 8052 and 80C51 chapters of this book. tor may be used (to increase noise margin), but is op-. Explore Electronic Circuits and Tutorials - Discover Engineering Hobby Projects - Computer Based Microcontroller Projects - Science Experiment Videos - A and 8052s. Table 1 The MCS-51 Family of Microcontrollers ations For other instructions it can be treated as anoth- er scratch pad 0s it sets the Timer interrupt flag TF1 The counted tor may be used (to increase noise margin) but is op-. Microcontroller Instruction Set. For interrupt response time information, refer to the hardware description chapter. Note: 1. Operations on SFR byte address 208 program memory as the first byte of the following instruction. rel. Signed (two's complement) 8-bit offset byte. Used by SJMP and all conditional jumps. Range is -
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