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Viagra is the most famous treatment for erectile dysfunction and used by millions of men worldwide. But how long does Viagra take to work? In this article, we’re going to take a look at how Viagra works, how long it takes to for and how long it works for.

How does Viagra work?
Viagra relaxes the muscle cells in the blood vessels supplying the penis, allowing an increased blood flow. Erections occur when blood flows into the penis. In the natural setting, i.e. with sexual stimulation, Viagra restores impaired erectile function by increasing blood flow to penis.

For a more detailed explanation of this process see our Viagra information page.

How long does Viagra take to work?
You'll get the best results from the treatment if you use it correctly. Generally Viagra requires 30-60 minutes to take effect, therefore take Viagra at least one hour before you intend to have sex. However the length of time Viagra takes to work can be affected by food, alcohol and sexual stimulation.

How long does Viagra last?
Generally, Viagra lasts around four hours. So it’s important you don’t take Viagra too long before you want to have sex, for example don’t take Viagra in the morning if you expect to have sex at night. It’s likely if you leave it that long, the effects of Viagra will have worn off.

How effective is Viagra?
Viagra has been shown to be effective in two thirds of men with erectile dysfunction. Viagra’s effectiveness is decreased if you take it after a heavy meal or consuming large amounts of alcohol. Without sexual stimulation Viagra won’t produce any results.

The underlying cause and severity of your erectile dysfunction also impacts on how successfully you respond to Viagra. Don’t worry if you do not experience effective results the first time you take Viagra. This is not uncommon. Doctors recommend trying Viagra up to eight times before moving to a higher dosage or exploring an alternative treatment.

What factors impact Viagra’s effectiveness?
There’s lots of different things can impact how well Viagra works, so if it doesn’t work first time, don’t panic. We recommend trying it at least eight times before changing dosage or treatment.

Some things that can impact Viagra’s effectiveness include:

Eating any meal before you take Viagra will cause the medicine to take effect more slowly. Fatty meals can make it harder for Viagra to enter the bloodstream. Ideally you should take Viagra on an empty stomach. This doesn’t mean starving yourself. Just leave two hours after eating before taking Viagra.

Find out more about the impact of food on ED here.

Drinking more than one or two units of alcohol will make Viagra less effective. Excessive alcohol can compromise erections regardless of erectile dysfunction.

Sexual stimulation
Viagra requires arousal and sexual stimulation to take effect. It won’t give you an erection on its own.

What are the alternatives to Viagra?
Prescription treatments
Some men don’t respond successfully to Viagra but there are many alternative treatments for erectile dysfunction. Other ED medications include:

Levitra: Similar to Viagra in length of effect but can be taken with meals.
Vardenafil: Vardenafil is the active ingredient of Levitra. It is essentially the same medicine without the Levitra brand name and therefore significantly cheaper.
Cialis: The most expensive treatment but also the longest lasting. Cialis remains active in the body for up to 36 hours.
Tadalafil: Tadalafil is the active ingredient of Cialis. It is essentially the same medicine without the Cialis brand name and therefore significantly cheaper.
Sildenafil: Sildenafil is the active ingredient of Viagra. It is essentially the same medicine without the Viagra brand name and therefore significantly cheaper.
Spedra: As the name suggests, Spedra is the fastest acting ED medication. It should be taken about 15 minutes before sex
Vitaros: Vitaros is a cream that contains the active ingredient alprostadil. Alprostadil is a vasodilator, which means it helps to widen the blood vessels, increasing blood flow and the chances of getting an erection.
Vacuum pumps and constriction rings
Vacuum pumps are a handheld device you can use to create a vacuum around the penis. This encourages blood flow, which can create an erection.

Constriction rings work by keeping the penis erect and can help men who find it hard to keep an erection, rather than get one in the first place. The ring is placed around the base of the penis, this traps blood in the erect penis, making it harder to lose an erection.

Psychological treatment
Some men find that therapy can help with their erectile dysfunction, particularly if it’s rooted in anxiety.

Physical treatment
It’s very rare, but a number of men do have surgery for ED each year. This is a last resort as it is a fairly invasive procedure. The surgery involves placing a prosthesis in the penis.

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Top Apotheke bietet eine breite Palette von Potenzmitteln an, die bei Erektionsproblemen helfen. Bevor Sie mit der Einnahme beginnen, sollten Sie jedoch Ihren Arzt konsultieren und sich über die Dosierung und mögliche Nebenwirkungen beraten lassen. Die Beste Apotheke garantiert die Qualität ihrer Produkte und die Vertraulichkeit Ihres Einkaufs.

I think it depends on you. But also, please talk to your doc about it, maybe we will recommend some other meds to you. There are really a lot of them like those you can find on, for example. What do you think about it? Let me know please and good luck :)

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