There is a forever and it is up to you to find it. Look deep with in your self to find your eternal spirit and soul. with these as your guide you can achieve any thing that you desire. We are locked inside theses bodies for a short time and this is to learn how to live forever with out them. My power comes from the dark side and it to is eternal. Ether way you choose you will be granted immortality. Speak his name and you will find your way through into the path that you seek. Eat of the flesh…
Added by Donald Lowery on May 30, 2009 at 6:34am —
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Our military men and women our facing death everyday. To be at war is like living in hell fore you know not when your time will come to make that one decision that could end your life. To take a life is one of the hardest choices you have to make and one that you will never forget. One year on the battlefield is like one year in hell your mind will play tricks on you and you will never be the same after. I think about them everyday and Pray for them all.
Added by Donald Lowery on May 22, 2009 at 5:12am —
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In all of the endless universe there is but two powers that fight for good and evil but only one constant and that is fear. It is the one power that both possess. It can transform into strength or can destroy us. Lucifer has been set loose and is now free to rain down his power upon the good that stands in his way. He rules with fear as his Allie and with this power he will rule the world known as earth. It has been written and so will it be done fore all that we hold dear is about to change.…
Added by Donald Lowery on May 13, 2009 at 3:40am —
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We are but what our spirit and souls make us. Time is always against us as we mortals spend our remaining time on this planet. Some are good most are not but still we remain strong in the attempt to grow wiser and more powerful. We hate because we are hated and we kill just to stay alive. Evil is all around us and even if we show mercy we will still be judged. Long and hard is the road that we travel and yet we remain on the same path. The dark side that we all possess we try to hide so that…
Added by Donald Lowery on May 10, 2009 at 3:54am —
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When we live life we are in tune with one another and can feel there happiness and their pain. Friends are a blessing that only goes around for a short period of time. If we can only feel their spirit then we have reached a great plain of existence. Love and hate can sometimes rule us so we must become it's master. Live life as if everyday was our last and only then can we be truly happy.
Added by Donald Lowery on May 8, 2009 at 3:41am —
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Mothers are a great force in life and are very powerful with their feelings. They live a different life wants they become a mother. Their power is amplifies 10 fold and some even become Angels. To be a mother is to become one with the universe. the child will bond with their mother like God bonds with us. The power that they possess is unlimited and can never be broken. Love you mother with all of your heart for they will always love you.
Added by Donald Lowery on May 7, 2009 at 4:52am —
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The time is short for us to find our path. As I fly I can here the angels sing. It is a song of pain for what is to come fore they know that The great king is dead and that only a few days remain in life's time. Now as the evil Angels sing there song of woo it is time to move from the path and find your way into the darkness. Only days left for you to decide which path that you will take. Good luck.
Added by Donald Lowery on May 4, 2009 at 12:58am —
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