Remember skate nite with generation g at The Skate back in October? We had so much fun. Well, we are doing it again, and this time we are bringing the Naptown Rollergirls! The best part is YOU are invited...and it's FREE! Join us Saturday, January, 30th @ The Skate in Richmond for some super skating fun with your favorite derby girls from Naptown. Plus, we will have a special Jam-Skate performance. The party starts at 7p and goes until 9:30p. What? You want the party to go on? Ok, if you decide to stay and party @ The Skate until 11p just drop $2, then you can stay until they close the doors.
Just go to the front page of generation g and click on the Skate Nite tab on the top right. From there you will find your tickets. Find the ticket you need, Click it - Print it - Bring it, and get in FREE!
If you missed last time, make sure you come out for this great party! If you were there last time, we already know you will be coming back for more!
The whole g-crew and The Naptown Rollergirls will be on hand to host the party and skate with all of our great listeners.
Plus, The Naptown Rollergirls will be teaching YOU how to skate like a derby girl!
So, join us Saturday, January 30th, at 7p for generation g nite @ The Skate in Richmond.
The Skate also has a well stocked concession stand, so be ready to sit at one of those little tables and enjoy all your old Skate favorites.
Everyone loves The Skate!
RSVP for generation g nite @ The Skate is back! to add comments!
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