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Movsb instruction 8086














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Opcode. Instruction. Description. A4. MOVS m8, m8. Move byte at address DS:(E)SI to address ES:(E)DI. A5. MOVS m16, m16. Move word at address DS:(E)SI to Dec 25, 2016 - State any four addressing modes used in 8086 microprocessor. Identify addressing Explain REP MOVSB instruction with an example. Explain the followingMOVS/MOVSB/MOVSW/MOVSD -- Move Data from String to String. Opcode Instruction Clocks Description A4 MOVS m8,m8 7 Move byte [(E)SI] to ES:[(E)DI] A5 32 The 8086 provides MOVSB (stands for Move String Byte) instruction to perform this movement a byte at a time. This instruction should be executed 9 times in The MOVSB (move string, byte) instruction fetches the byte at address SI, stores it at address DI and then increments or decrements the SI and DI registers by MOVS/MOVSB/MOVSW The MOVSB instruction tells the assembler to move data as bytes; the MOVSW implies the string is to be 8086, 286, 386, 486.

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